Being a filmmaker is one of the most challenging and yet most rewarding journeys a person undertakes in the world. You cannot really define it; it’s much more than just a career or just a passion. It’s your inner being taken hostage every day for the rest of your life.

Licensing motion pictures is a complex process and should not be taken lightly. Many filmmakers are tempted to distribute their films on their own. But...

Making movies is an art. It’s a telling of a story on film instead of a canvas; the director is the painter, the crew is...

Even though there are many variations and alternative routes to make movies, one thing is for sure − filmmaking calls on a tremendously complex and...

Although, I just was writing mostly from experience, one of the readers − a gentleman commented, “you cannot call yourself a filmmaker until you have worked...

Last week I had a telephone discussion with a film producer, he was telling me how difficult it is for him to find financing to...

2004 was a great year for me. It’s the year I became a film sales agent and took a leap into the other side of the...

They laughed at me when I started Hollywood Wizard, my film sales company. While exhibiting at the 2004 American Film Market for the first time, I...

Invest in Change. Empower Untold Stories. Newgate Pictures Film Fund Financing Films with Global Impact & Distribution.

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