Investment Page

Investment Overview

The Newgate Pictures Film Fund offers an exciting opportunity to invest in the future of cinema while supporting meaningful stories. Through a Regulation CF crowdfunding offering on WeFunder, you can purchase shares in our dedicated film fund.

Profit Sharing Model

As our films are produced and distributed, a portion of the profits (after recouping production and distribution costs) will be shared with our investors according to their ownership stake.

Impact & Risk

Investing in the Newgate Pictures Film Fund allows you to make a positive impact while potentially earning financial returns. However, film financing inherently involves risk. We encourage you to carefully review the offering materials before investing.

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Invest in Change. Empower Untold Stories. Newgate Pictures Film Fund Financing Films with Global Impact & Distribution.

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Newgate Pictures

9018 Balboa Blvd., #527
Northridge, California, 91235 USA
Tel: +1 (818) 812-5661